January 14, 2022

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7 min read

Online meetings monitoring, work-from-home/in-office, false overtime monitoring & more in Jan 2022 release by WorkTime employee monitoring!

Online meetings, remote/in-office employee monitoring, screen productivity, false overtime, distraction score, and many more features capture only relevant data and provide analytics for business purposes. Тhe analytical and reporting features equip managers with comprehensive reports that facilitate decision-making and forecasting. WorkTime tools help to reinforce on-duty performance or detect staff productivity drains.

New features

In-office/work-from-home/remote monitoring

This addition provides statistics showcasing efficiency in the office, work from home, or otherwise remote arrangements. Presented metrics will enable comparing the levels of productivity in all the settings.

WorkTime. In-office/work-from-home/remote monitoring

Screen productivity

This feature records all applications and websites running on employee monitors simultaneously. Employers will see the respective percentage allocated to applications on the visible displays areas. The tracking is non-intrusive and calculates employee screen productivity accurately.

WorkTime. Screen productivity

False overtime monitoring

The new release feature determines whether staying after work hours is workload-wise or a cheating attempt. Transparent logs will help in balancing the overall working process and regulating understaffing or overstaffing.

WorkTime. False overtime monitoring

Distraction score monitoring

The following addition detects behavioral patterns that harm task-based concentration. It reveals specific habits such as opening a slew of tabs in the browser, surfing the Internet excessively, and abusing business or personal messengers. Showcased diagrams will help eradicate the described time eaters, as well as office setting buzz, all in order to foster employee discipline.

WorkTime. Distraction score monitoring

Online meetings monitoring

Introduced WorkTime functionality indicates how much time is spent on each online meeting. Also, it catalogs applications employees use for meetings and registers computers used. Based on the metrics, one will see whether all the recurring or one-time meetings are sound and manageable for a single employee.

WorkTime. Online meetings monitoring

Electricity waste monitoring

This feature helps in decreasing electricity consumption: it tracks active computers after business hours. Based on reports, ask specific employees from different departments to be mindful of non-renewable resources.

Off-work employees

This tracker logs employee absences and detects who is and isn't working. WorkTime off-work employee monitoring feature assists businesses in going digital and generating error-free leave timesheets.

Leaderboard reports for employee engagement

Leaderboard reports identify employees and departments with exceptional daily productivity. Every productive workday is marked with a star on the interactive leaderboard. It is advisable to include employees in this monitoring process since it fosters engagement as well as allows for acknowledging top-performers.

WorkTime. Leaderboard reports for employee engagement

Productivity, attendance, active time goals

This feature kills two birds with one stone: managers can set reasonable productivity, attendance, and active time goals for their staff and measure how well they are met each day, week, and month. Collecting team members’ initial input and communicating expectations clearly before assigning ratings will promote transparency and employee engagement.

WorkTime. Productivity, attendance, active time goals

In-cloud and on-premise monitoring

Now, employee monitoring agent can function in the cloud on WorkTime’s side and corporate servers of an organization. WorkTime Cloud web service saves, secures, encrypts, and archives data. WorkTime On-premise monitoring service ensures that all information remains on your physical servers and never leaves your office. Deployment and management do not require IT expertise.

"WorkTime Jan 2022 release has been created based on the feedback from our customers, as well as the current market demands. New WorkTime features equip managers with valuable information, e.g. how much time employees spend in online meetings, their productivity levels in at-work or at-home settings, and employee productivity trends in their teams. WorkTime team welcomes you to try it now!" said Kirill Nesterenko, NesterSoft Inc. Chief Executive Officer.

On top of all the new user features, WorkTime has also presented a sleek, well-structured, and functional interface. It is modern, laconic, intuitive, and easy to use.

You are welcome to try new WorkTime features!

The latest WorkTime employee monitoring software release is now available at www.worktime.com.

About WorkTime

WorkTime employee productivity monitoring software is designed to increase employee engagement and commitment to the company’s goals.

About NesterSoft Inc.

Since 1998, NesterSoft Inc., a WorkTime provider, headquartered in Canada, Ontario, has been disrupting the employee productivity monitoring software market. An industry veteran with more than 20 years of expertise demonstrates exuberance and the utmost determination to serve leading trendsetters across major domains.

Contact information

www.worktime.com 1-877-717-8463 info@worktime.com

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