Employee monitoring in the state of Texas, USA

June 6, 2023

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10 min read

Employee monitoring in the state of Texas, USA

WorkTime has been collaborating with companies in Texas and throughout the United States for many years. We assist companies in saving money, time, and other valuable resources through non-invasive employee monitoring.

Demand in employee monitoring in Texas

The state of Texas serves as the primary location for numerous large companies, encompassing both startups and industry giants. Furthermore, owing to the substantial influx of companies and professionals from neighboring states, Texas is experiencing rapid development with office constructions and workplace setups becoming ubiquitous. Additionally, the state boasts a considerable number of IT employees who tend to utilize employee monitoring tools more frequently than others. According to the source, Texas accommodates 53 Fortune 500 companies, including notable ones such as: - Amazon - Boeing - Dell - Toyota - JP Morgan Chase - AT&T Given the presence of these major corporations, it is not surprising to assume that there is a significant demand for high-quality employee monitoring in Texas. This demand is particularly pronounced in IT companies or organizations with a substantial number of remote or hybrid employees.

Texas remains a preferred choice for large companies due to its favorable tax system and the availability of cost-effective workforce, making it an attractive destination.

What businesses use employee monitoring in Texas

Employee monitoring is in high demand across various sectors in Texas due to its applicability in almost every industry. However, there are a few specific areas where monitoring is utilized most frequently:

Customer support

Customer support departments rely on monitoring to assess the performance of their employees, particularly in terms of communication with customers and adherence to established rules and regulations.


In the field of IT, employee monitoring serves numerous purposes, including tracking employee work hours, monitoring task completion, and identifying periods of inactivity. These practices help minimize unproductive time and enhance overall company efficiency.

Software developers

Software developers typically employ monitoring for similar purposes as IT professionals. Additionally, they often work with freelancers and outsourced employees on their projects, making monitoring essential in overseeing the activities of these individuals.

While employee monitoring is utilized by many companies across different sectors in Texas, it is most commonly employed by customer support departments, IT companies, and software developers.

Computerized businesses in Texas & monitoring

Computerized businesses in Texas are among the primary consumers of employee monitoring due to their significant number of remote employees, including those resulting from the pandemic, as well as the utilization of outsourced staff. These businesses require robust monitoring solutions to effectively track workflow and ensure productivity. According to the source, Texas is home to several major computerized businesses, each employing over 10,000 individuals. These businesses include: - Cybersoft Technologies - Halliburton - Insperity - KBR Inc. - Microsoft - Air Liquide The presence of such prominent computerized businesses in Texas indicates the substantial workforce involved in this sector, contributing to the high demand for employee monitoring within the state.

WorkTime also possesses extensive experience collaborating with industry giants in the field of computerized enterprises. Based on our expertise, we have observed that the implementation of employee monitoring enhances employee efficiency and generates cost savings for companies.

Advantages for businesses in Texas

Texas stands out as an excellent location for conducting business, particularly for startups and small companies. This is attributed to several factors: - Low tax rate - Small business incentives - The state is popular with investors - The influx of talent from other states According to Forbes, numerous companies have already relocated to Texas and established their operations there. Notable examples include Microsoft, Samsung, Meta, Tesla, and Apple. The decision to move to Texas was driven by the state's affordability, favorable tax system, and cost-effective office spaces.

Tesla used to be based in California, but it was because of the attractiveness of Texas in terms of cheapness and taxes, Elon Musk moved the headquarters to Texas.

Tesla, previously headquartered in California, relocated to Texas primarily due to the state's appealing combination of affordability and tax advantages. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, recognized the benefits of Texas for businesses.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Elon Musk has plans to develop his own city in Texas, further emphasizing his belief in the state's potential for business. He has repeatedly expressed his view that Texas is one of the best places in America to conduct business, which influenced his decision to move there.

Despite the availability of cost-effective labor and favorable tax rates, employee monitoring remains in high demand among large companies and startups in Texas. These businesses aim to save costs and enhance staff productivity, which aligns with the goals pursued by companies utilizing employee monitoring programs, based on the experience of WorkTime.

Startups & employee monitoring in Texas

Texas has implemented a special state policy tailored for startups, offering unique benefits and reduced tax rates compared to other states. Furthermore, the state attracts a significant influx of investments, which contributes to the growth of companies operating there. The increasing number of startups in Texas has generated a corresponding rise in the demand for employee monitoring. Many companies, particularly startups, seek to optimize costs by utilizing monitoring software vendors for employee monitoring instead of hiring additional managers or staff development services.

Startups commonly leverage monitoring tools to achieve cost savings and enhance employee efficiency.

WorkTime, for instance, is well-equipped to assist startups in various areas, including improving work efficiency, reducing absenteeism, and minimizing instances of false overtime. As a result, our services are extensively utilized throughout the state of Texas and across the entire United States.

WorkTime distinguishes itself as the sole non-invasive monitoring company in the market that collaborates with companies in Texas and throughout America.

In office, remote, hybrid settings in Texas & monitoring


In Texas, office workers constitute the majority and employee monitoring is commonly utilized in this sector. Typically, monitoring is employed to reduce unproductive time, address absenteeism, prevent false overtime, monitor task completion, and track attendance and departure from the workplace. This streamlines the workload of HR managers and alleviates financial burdens on companies, which explains why monitoring is widely implemented for office employees.

WorkTime offers solutions that enable companies to effectively monitor office employees, as well as remote and hybrid employees.


Due to the global pandemic, there has been a significant increase in remote employees worldwide. According to Forbes, the number of remote employees is expected to continue rising until 2023, and Texas is no exception. One of the main challenges associated with remote employees is the lack of control and workflow monitoring. Employee monitoring programs serve as a solution to address this issue, which is why monitoring is commonly applied to remote employees as the primary means of ensuring workflow control.


While the number of hybrid employees in Texas may be lower compared to other categories, they are still present and often integrated with software monitoring practices. For instance, the practice of working two days from home and three days in the office is quite common, with monitoring implemented during the two days of remote work and no monitoring during the three office days. This practice is prevalent not only in Texas but throughout the United States. Monitoring in the case of hybrid employees helps eliminate absenteeism on remote work days.

Outsourcing business in Texas & monitoring

According to the source, Texas hosts numerous outsourcing vendors in various fields, ranging from office cleaning to software development. Many companies in the state also engage employees from other countries, particularly from Asia and Africa.

Most outsourcing employers in Texas hire employees from Asia and Africa.

While there may not be significant concerns when outsourced employees work within the office, issues can arise when employees work remotely from their home countries. The primary challenge in such cases is the lack of control over the work process.

WorkTime can help address this issue by enabling quality control of remote and outsourced employees through employee monitoring solutions.

Employee monitoring software is a valuable tool in tracking employee actions, monitoring work processes, attendance, work hours, and productivity.

Why do companies in Texas use outsourcing?

Companies in Texas utilize outsourcing primarily to save costs, especially those with limited budgets or a strong focus on cost-saving measures. By hiring employees through outsourcing, companies can reduce expenses related to salaries and office maintenance, particularly when employees work remotely from another country or state. Software Developers: Testing applications, office cleaning, and accounting activities. Manufacturing Companies: Supply Chain Management, Workflow Management, and Human Resources Management. IT Companies: Customer Service, Administration, and Accounting.

Outsourcing is mainly used by software developers, manufacturing companies, IT companies, and others.

The law & employee monitoring in Texas

The legislation concerning employee monitoring in Texas is similar to that of other states, but there are certain distinctions that employers using employee monitoring should be aware of. Phone monitoring in Texas differs from other states, as it is allowed only if one party involved in the conversation gives consent, and it is prohibited to third parties. Monitoring employees in their homes requires their explicit consent. Conducting home monitoring without employee consent would be a violation of Texas' Information Security and Privacy Act.

In-home monitoring of employees requires the employee's consent and cannot be conducted without consent.

In general, employers may be permitted to use video surveillance in public areas of the workplace, such as hallways, lobbies, and break rooms, as well as monitor employees' social media presence. However, specific areas like bathrooms or personal lockers are typically protected by law.

Certain areas within the workplace, such as bathrooms and lockers, are protected by law.

In Texas, unlike some other states, employers can generally videotape employees without consent or prior notice. However, when it comes to audio recording, consent is usually required under Texas' one-party consent wiretapping rules. In other words, if an employer records conversations in which they are not a party without the employees' notice or consent, it may be considered a violation of the law.

For more on Texas law and U.S. law in general, see 41 of the most asked questions on U.S. employee monitoring laws

Privacy expectations in Texas

In Texas, employees have rights and privacy expectations when it comes to employee monitoring, which is in line with the expectations of employees in other states.

"Under Texas law, you are protected from surveillance where you have a reasonable expectation of privacy." - Excerpt from an article on Texas law.

According to Texas law, employees are protected from surveillance in situations where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy. This implies that if something in the workplace is considered private or confidential by an employee, they can request non-interference with that particular aspect. For example, they may request no cameras in the workplace or no monitoring of internet traffic.

When is monitoring too invasive for Texas?

Like other states, Texas places value on privacy and confidentiality. Therefore, the use of invasive monitoring tools is not preferred in the state. Based on the specific laws, employees have the right to request the removal of invasive features from monitoring and to prohibit their use by the employer. Examples of invasive features include internet traffic monitoring, GPS tracking, wiretapping, video recording, or message interception.

In Texas, invasive features are considered to be keyloggers, wiretapping, GPS monitoring, internet traffic interception, message interception, and video recording from device cameras.

WorkTime for non-invasive employee monitoring in Texas

For monitoring employees in Texas, WorkTime is an excellent choice. With its non-invasive approach, it ensures compliance with privacy expectations and state laws. WorkTime uses the latest monitoring features for daily workflow tracking, such as: - Keystroke counter - Workplace presence monitoring - Task completion tracking - Workplace attendance tracking - False overtime detection - Efficiency of each employee - Convenient WorkTime reports By using these features, companies in Texas can establish effective monitoring of their employees, including outsourced or freelance workers, of which there are also many.

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